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Table 3 Critical assessment process

From: The effectiveness of tele-rehabilitation on improvement of daily living activities in children with cerebral palsy: narrative review


 Key results


Suitability of the methods used to test the initial hypothesis.

Interpretation of the results.

Impact of the conclusions in the field.

James et al. [20]

 The Mitiigroup demonstrated significantly greater post-intervention scores than the comparison groupon the AMPS, JTTHF dominant upper limb, COPM, and TVPS-3.

 Few children reached 60 hours, the maximum target dose of. It may have that technical problems led to the lower-than-expected dose. The administrator of the JTTHF was not hidden to treatment allocation. Scoring of the AMPS was not blinded.

 The hypothesis was that Mitii enhance the ADL and processing skills to achieve occupational performance goals and visual perceptual skills. Mitii demonstrated a significant improvement in ADL and processing skills. Thus, the occupational performance goals and visual processing were improved.

 Web-based therapy can be performed at home and has the ability to improve the dose of therapy. Mitii can be an option for children with UCP to improve their occupational performance and visual perception.

 Mitii can improve the ADL, occupational performance, and visual perception. However, it will not improve the upper extremities functions.

Mitchell et al. [21]

 A significant improvement in functional strength and 6MWT distance

 There was no significant improvement in the activity efficiency or entertainment participation, it did not decrease the mobility limitations as well.

 Those who obtained training would have higher activity ability and efficiency. The functional strength and walking Endurance were increased

 Training showed a good result in increasing functional ability and walking endurance in ambulant children. nonetheless, there was no efficacy of the general activity

 The use of a web-based program to independently ambulant children with UCP was successful in increasing activity potential, as measured by functional strength and walking endurance.

M. Piovesana et al. [22]

 There were no significant differences in attentional control, cognitive flexibility, problem solving, information processing or executive function performance 

 There were few participants who reached the proposed target dose of 60 hours, with the average of 32.4h. They had a technical issue regarding the intervention in preventing some participants to reach the maximum dose. The continues issues regarding the internet connection resulted a difficulty to access the program which lead to stop the sessions in some cases and redo the session in other time. 

 They hypothesized that Mitii improves the capacity of executive function. But the hypotheses were not supported.

 Mitii demonstrated no significant improvement in executive functions. In contrast, it showed an improvement in the motor skills and processing skills, activities of ADL, and physical capacity, which could be an effective web based multimodal therapy for these functions.

 Using Mitii to treat executive functions is not feasible, but it is effective in improving the motor skills and processing skills, activities of ADL, and physical capacity.

Ferre et al. [23]

 H-HABIT showed greater improvement on BBT but no improvement on AHA compared with control group.

 strong attrition was recorded (the 6 months follow up was not completed by 3 children from the control group). There were no clear instructions regarding a set time for the training during the day which might affect the result of the study.

 The hypothesis was that H-HABIT improves the dexterity, bimanual hand-use effectiveness and functional goals compared to control group, the hypothesis was confirmed in the results.

 H-HABIT improves children’s dexterity and performance, but does not improve the bimanual performance, compared to a control group.

 Home-based programs provide a valuable, family-centered approach for increasing the intensity of the rehabilitation. Performing H-HABIT at home improves dexterity and upper extremities functions

Surana et al. [10]

 LIFT group demonstrated a significant improvement in 1MWT, and ABILOCO-kids compared with the control group

 They faced high attrition (the program was not completed by 8 participants and 6 were dropped out). The activities outside the training hours were not controlled, which prevent the disruption of the psychosocial dynamics. The gait capacity was not measured. 

 They hypothesized that LIFT would demonstrate a greater improvement in gait and LE functions compared with control group, but the gait was not measured. 

 They mentioned that LIFT group showed increased distances in gait which led to improvement in gait capacity. The ability to move in the surrounding environment was assessed using ABILOCO-kids, the results showed an improvement in gait capability and performance. 

 performing LIFT at home showed its effectiveness to improve gait capacity and performance.