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Table 1 The summary of results of the extracted data

From: Chronic neck pain and respiratory dysfunction: a review paper



Respiratory parameters

Musculoskeletal parameters

Other parameters


Summary of results

Maria A. Perri et al. [13]

Neck pain = 36, other musculoskeletal pain = 46, no pain = 12

Breathing pattern


87.2% participants had some musculoskeletal pain. Out of these, 56.4% had faulty relaxed breathing and 75% had faulty breathing when taking a deep breath. Eighty-three percent of neck pain patients had faulty breathing pattern, and there was a significant correlation between VAS of neck pain and dysfunctional respiratory mechanics

Kapreli E et al. [9]

CNP = 12, healthy subjects = 12

FVC, VC, PEF, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF and MVV, Pimax, and Pemax




CNP patients had significant reductions in Pimax, Pemax, and MVV in comparison with controls. A strong association between increased FHP and decreased respiratory muscle strength in neck pain patients was found. A negative correlation of Pimax and Pemax with FHP was seen

McLaughlin L et al. [14]

Neck pain = 12, back pain = 8, both = 9


Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS)

Patient-specific functional scale (PSFS)

Retraining in the form of manual therapy/motor control approach, awareness training, and biofeedback with the capnograph

ETCO2 values decreased in all subjects. Significant improvement was seen in NPRS and PSFS. Breathing retraining improved ETCO2, pain, and function in all patients

Dimitriadis Z et al. [8]

CNP = 45, healthy subjects = 45


VAS, strength of neck flexors and extensors, endurance of deep neck flexors, cervical range of movement, FHP

NDI, Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Pain Catastrophizing Scale

CNP patients had weak neck flexors and extensors, reduced cervical mobility, and impaired deep neck flexors. A reduction in MIP and MEP was found in CNP patients. MIP was significantly correlated with the strength of neck flexors, extensors, kinesiophobia, and catastrophizing. MEP was significantly correlated with the strength of neck flexors, extensors, pain intensity, NDI, kinesiophobia, and catastrophizing

Dimitriadis Z et al. [10]

CNP = 45, healthy subjects = 45


Neck muscle strength, cervical range of motion, endurance of deep neck flexors, FHP

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, NDI

Reduced neck extensor strength, reduced active cervical mobility, and impaired function of the deep neck flexors were found in CNP patients. VC and MVV were significantly correlated with neck muscle strength, pain intensity, and kinesiophobia. PEF was significantly correlated with neck muscle strength and pain intensity

Wirth B et al. [7]

CNP = 19, healthy subjects = 19

FVC, PEF, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF MVV, Pimax, Pemax, and chest expansion

CROM, forward head posture, thoracic mobility, and neck flexor muscle endurance


Pimax, Pemax, and MVV were reduced in CNP patients but were not statistically significant. Cervical mobility was significantly reduced in all movements, but no change was noted in thoracic spine mobility, chest mobility, FHP, and endurance of the neck flexor muscle. MVV and neck motions had significant and fair relations with thoracic flexion and chest mobility. Significant and fair correlations were seen between thoracic flexion and neck muscle endurance, chest expansion, and FHP. NDI had a significant correlation to Pimax, Pemax, and MVV

Yalcinkaya H et al. [15]

CNP = 80, healthy subjects = 80

VO2 max, FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25–75, PEF, MVV

Handgrip, back-leg strengths, trunk flexibility, pain pressure threshold

Daily physical activity, body composition, NDI, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Short-Form health survey (SF-36)


Handgrip, back-leg strengths, suboccipital and paraspinal-C7 pain pressure threshold, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were lower, whereas PSQI, BAI, and BDI were higher in female patients with CNP compared to healthy controls. VO2 max and HRQoL were lower, and body fat percentage and PSQI were higher in male patients with CNP compared to healthy controls. Trunk flexibility and PFT values were not significantly different between the patients and the controls in both genders

Yeampattanaporn O et al. [16]

CNP = 36

Pulmonary function test, chest expansion

Pain intensity, CROM, neck muscle activity


Re-education of breathing patterns for 30 min

The pain intensity and the muscle activity were significantly decreased after re-education. The CROM and chest expansion at the lower rib cage was significantly increased after re-education

Moawd A et al. [17]

CNP = 47, healthy subjects = 47





CNP patients had a significant reduction in CROM for extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Significant differences were seen between the groups in IC, ERV, FEV1, and FVC. No difference was seen in FEV1/FVC. CNP patients were found to have significantly reduced MIP and MEP

Wirth B et al. [18]

Neck pain = 15


Pimax, Pemax, and respiratory endurance test

Cervical and thoracic ROM, endurance of cervical muscles, forward head posture; cranio-vertebral angle

Neck disability index, Bournemouth questionnaire, patient global impression change

Respiratory muscle endurance training—5 sessions of 30 min/week for 4 weeks

RMET increased respiratory endurance test, VC, MVV, chest expansion (axillary level), Pimax, Pemax, and endurance of neck flexors, whereas it decreased NDI and Bournemouth score significantly

Vikram M et al. [19]

CNP = 10 (5 in the control group and 5 in the experimental group)

MVV, chest expansion

Graduated numbered visual analog scale, cervical ROM


Routine physiotherapy for both groups. Additional respiratory exercise program for the experimental group

Significant increase in MVV and reduction in pain was found posttreatment in the experimental group as compared to the control group

IbaiLo´pez-de-Uralde-Villanueva et al. [20]

CNP = 44, healthy subjects = 31


Pain intensity, CROM, FHP, and strength of cervical muscles

NDI, kinesiophobia, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

Significant reduction in MIP, MEP, and CROM was found in neck pain patients, whereas no statistically significant reduction was found in the values of FEV1 and PEF

Cheon JH et al. [21]

CNP = 48, healthy subjects = 30


Cervical lordotic curvature, thoracic kyphotic curvature, thoracic sagittal range of motion


In males, thoracic sagittal ROMMEP-MIP and MEP showed a significant difference between the control group and the CNP group. In females, thoracic kyphotic curvature, thoracic sagittal ROMMEP-MIP, MIP, and MEP were significantly different between the CNP group and the no cervical pain group. Thoracic kyphotic curvature and thoracic sagittal ROMMEP-MIP was significantly correlated with NDI, MEP, and MIP in all participants

Solakoğlu Ö et al. [22]

Neck pain = 99

Chest expansion, FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25%, FEF50%, FEF75%, and FEF25-75%, PEF, MVV, Pimax and Pemax



A negative correlation between the FHP and expiratory muscle strength was observed. Similarly, a negative correlation between C7 vertebra position and Pemax, FEV1/FVC, FEF 25%, FEF 50%, FEF 75%, and FEF 25–75% was found. Also, a negative correlation was found between neck disability and chest expansion, MVV

Awadallah M F [23]

Neck pain = 75, healthy subjects = 75




FVC, FEV1, FEF 25–75%, and PEFR were found to be reduced in neck pain patients with higher FEV1/FVC values indicating a restrictive pattern

  1. CNP chronic neck pain, VAS visual analog scale, NDI neck disability index, NPRS numeric pain rating scale, PSFS patient-specific functional scale, CROM cervical range of motion, MNDI modified neck disability index, FHP forward head posture, VC vital capacity, FVC forced vital capacity, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, PEF peak expiratory flow, FEF forced expiratory flow, MVV maximum voluntary ventilation, MIP maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP maximal expiratory pressure, PFT pulmonary function test, IC inspiratory capacity, ERV expiratory reserve volume, VT tidal volume, RMET respiratory muscle endurance training, ROMMEP-MIP range of motion between MEP and MIP, FEF 25–75% forced expiratory flow at 25–75%, PEFR peak expiratory flow rate, Pimax maximal inspiratory pressure, Pemax maximal expiratory pressure