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Table 4 Most common TMDs intervention were used (n = 59)

From: Knowledge and awareness of physical therapy role in evaluating and treating temporomandibular disorders among physical therapists in Saudi Arabia

TMDs intervention items

n (%)

Therapeutic exercise strengthening

49 (83%)

Manual therapy

46 (78%)

Patient education

33 (56%)

Intra-oral joint mobilizations

27 (46%)

Electrophysical modalities

23 (39%)

Reeducation of jaw movements

22 (37%)

Deep friction massage

19 (32%)

Eating methods (e.g., mastication alternating bilaterally, choosing soft food, avoiding tough meat, cutting an apple)

18 (31%)


14 (24%)


10 (17%)


10 (17%)

PNF–proprioceptive neuromuscular function

5 (8%)

Craniosacral therapy and HVLA to cervical spine

3 (4%)


2 (3%)


1 (2%)

  1. n number, % percentage, HVLA high velocity-low amplitude