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Effect of using visual cognitive task on gait in children with spastic diplegia



Cognitive processing plays an important role in motor performance; thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of concurrent use of visual cognitive task and gait training task on gait in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.

Participants and methods

Fifteen spastic diplgic cerebral palsied children selected from out patient clinic Faculty of Physical Therapy Cairo University (nine boys and six girls) participated in this study. Children with a mean age of 8.15 ± 1.21 years, with a degree of spasticity 2 according to the modified Ashworth scale, with level II according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System, and having a trunk lurching pattern during gait were selected. They received the physical therapy program for an hour and visual cognitive task during gait training for another hour per day. The treatment program was conducted three times per week for 3 successive months. The lateral trunk lurching and gait parameters (spatial and temporal) were assessed, before and after treatments with the proreflex system.


The results revealed a significant decrease in lateral trunk lurching angle before and after treatment (P < 0.001), a significant decrease in gait speed and cadence, and a significant increase in stride length and time of double limb support before and after treatment (P < 0.001).


The concurrent use of visual cognitive task during gait training in conjunction with physical program improves the stability of trunk and measured gait parameters for children with diplegic cerebral palsy


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Hussein, Z.A. Effect of using visual cognitive task on gait in children with spastic diplegia. Bull Fac Phys Ther 20, 176–180 (2015).

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